updating the blogroll....
Geek note: So, the service I was using to manage the blog roll (over there, on the left-hand sidebar) started putting framed ads at the top of links that were clicked on. And, I was using it less and less, so - it's gone. But, since I haven't decided on a replacement blog-roll manager yet (any suggestions?), I'm just 'manually' adding the links to my blogger template. which is s-l-o-w. But, as often as I update my blog-roll, once it's done, it'll be done.
Summary: some things are changing on the knlranch.com blog, but you probably won't notice. If you do, and don't like it, let me know. Now that I'm back into messing with the template, I might actually make some other bigger changes - but not yet....
Summary: some things are changing on the knlranch.com blog, but you probably won't notice. If you do, and don't like it, let me know. Now that I'm back into messing with the template, I might actually make some other bigger changes - but not yet....