Sophie & Louise
Louise and Sophie are so gentle around each other, it's priceless.
Lou gives Sophie her space, and will just sit next to her patiently. After some time, Sophie will slowly come rub against her or 'head-butt' her like she's doing here, and maybe allows herself to be pet.
Then Louise goes and washes her hands.
What else...
Nothing really - Summer is in full effect here in Seattle. Life is good.
Louise, Uncle Eric & Cousin Charlie, enjoying a dip in the pool
Lou gives Sophie her space, and will just sit next to her patiently. After some time, Sophie will slowly come rub against her or 'head-butt' her like she's doing here, and maybe allows herself to be pet.
Then Louise goes and washes her hands.
What else...
Nothing really - Summer is in full effect here in Seattle. Life is good.
Louise, Uncle Eric & Cousin Charlie, enjoying a dip in the pool