

Do You Like my Hat? 

I do not!

Lisa and I had all sort of clever ideas how to put these movies up on the website, but instead of all that, we'll go with something simple (plan 'A' involved more scanning than we'll ever get around to).

One of Louise's favorite books is Go, Dog. Go!.

Go, Dog. Go!

(sidenote - here's an odd thing I found while looking for this image)

One of the best parts of the book is the reoccurring meeting between the lady dog who asks "Do you like my Hat?" - and the gentleman dog who replies "I do not." Louise can tell it better, really. She'll recite & sing this part of the book to herself over and over - catching it on video is another story - so we had to help.

Movie 1 - with Lisa

Movie 2 - with Ken

Movie 3 - with Ken, goofin'

And, a few pictures from the Cabin in McCall, and one of Louise in her pretty party dress.

Louise & Marco

Louise had a GREAT time hanging out with Marco, and Marco had fun reading to Louise.

Grandpa, Louise & Marco

Grandpa Schiele had fun reading to them both.

Cutso Lou-Lou

That's all for now - Adios!

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