Hey, that worked!
So far, so good. Contemplating switching to a WordPress blog hosted at knlranch.com, but until then ... blogger/google make this pretty easy to move.
But on other fronts - life is good. I'm back in Seattle, I had a great time on the Haute Route, and spring is here in full force.
But on other fronts - life is good. I'm back in Seattle, I had a great time on the Haute Route, and spring is here in full force.
This blog has moved
This blog is now located at http://knlranch.blogspot.com/.
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Starting migration
OK - big changes afoot at the knlranch blog. All 'under the hood' structural changes - if this is done right, no-one will notice a difference.
Before may 1, we'll be moving - to knlranch.com, or knlranch.blogspot.com, or something. I'll try and keep things linked and updated - so all the 'old' paths will point to the new URL, but we'll see how this goes....
Before may 1, we'll be moving - to knlranch.com, or knlranch.blogspot.com, or something. I'll try and keep things linked and updated - so all the 'old' paths will point to the new URL, but we'll see how this goes....
Happy Easter
It hasn't felt like Spring lately, but we were blessed with some nice weather today - a bit chilly today and windy, but SUNNY and just all around nice. A few more pics on flickr.
Cousin Charlie came over for an egg hunt, and we've got dinner at our house this pm. HAM!
Life is good.