

Louise's Birthday Party! 

Pirates and Monkeys. Louise enjoyed the cake.

Mmmmm - Chocolate.


Links galore 

I found the cool "blogrolling" tool to make adding links easy, so they're coming fast & furious. Now if I can only make adding the pictures just as easy.... It seems as though what I did for the last one - having the hi-res .jpg that's scaled in size on the page does slow things down quite a bit (not to mention it will quickly fill our web server). I'll keep playing with my options....


Yellow Squash 

This update may...load slower, but the hi-res image is the one you're looking at. If you right-click & save the image, you'll get the big one - the only one on the site. Let me know whatcha think.



Logan & Lou-Lou!

Considering a move to this new format. Let me know what ya'll think. For now - all the 'old' pages are no longer accessible, due to the change from attbi to comcast. But, enough geek-talk...the pictures!

Louise saw alot of family over this past weekend, and got to meet her 2nd Cousin, Logan! They had a good time together.

Some of ya'll have been asking for more pictures from London - so here you are. Enjoy!

last updated 8/15/03 - Ken S.

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